Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bangkok Convention Dec 10, 2006

I've uploaded 100+ photos from my recent Bangkok/Pattaya trip - click

And also uploaded in 6 albums in ringo - click

We just came back from Thailand, after attending a 1 day
convention and a 4 day holiday. This event made everyone
believe, that success was within reach and the Presidential
Club ranks are possible for us all.

This year, 15 Thais advanced rank into the Presidential
Club, (compared to just 1 last year) & received their
bonus checks of between US$10,000 to US$100,000 .
Joe became the first Diamond in Thailand & the second
Diamond in South East Asia.

It was an emotional affair for many, as they shared their
struggle in life and their hopes and dreams of what
Unicity can and has offered them. This is a business not
only to make life better for yourself, but also in the lives
of others that we can touch. And I believe, that with our
new BiosLife, we can touch many hearts.

I am re-energised and rejuvenated. Their success has
given me all the right reasons to succeed too. What we
have today, is good enough. And for those who stayed
on track, it will be a most enviable ending. It is not
about just making money but more importantly,
helping others along this journey, and becoming a
better leader, communicator and person.

Join me on this BiosLife crusade, to help 5 stay alive
every month and prevent heart attacks & strokes.
And from the many consumers, a few leaders will
emerge, who will also want to bless others with
our products.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

SuperChlorophyll - 17 reasons to drink it!

I am inspired to share with you about a simple, affordable
and yet a safe and proven solution to most people's health
challenges - a lack of beneficial vitamins, protein, enzymes
& trace minerals from your current diet.

Business is booming in Thailand today, and was built
over the last 3 years, using this simple product that costs
just RP 130,000, RM 46, B$ 23, S$22, for a month's
supply. 1 teaspoon a day mixed in water to drink anytime!

Supercholorophyll is chlorophylin concentrate from alfalfa
- also know as the king of herbs. Used for centuries, to
benefit babies to elders with :-

a) better skin condition by cleaning the blood
b) better energy levels by improving absorption of nutrients
c) improves bowel movement & soothes painful Hemorrhoids (piles)
d) less sick days by eliminating toxins & increasing immunity
e) less joint pains by balancing acidity levels & keeping body alkaline
f) natural body cooling when you feel heaty or have a fever
g) solves stomach & mouth ulcers & insomnia
h) solves water retention problems by enhancing kidney functions
i) removes bad breath and body odour by cleansing tissues of toxins
j) anti bacterial properties to relieve sore throats, tonsils & tooth aches
k) solves hangovers by strengthening liver especially for alcoholic drinkers
l) stops menstrual cramps, regulates menstruation & balances hormones
m) helps anemics build red blood cells by cleansing the liver
n) helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics
o) improves circulation in legs to reduce varicose veins
p) improves milk production in lactating mothers
q) helps asthmatics and smokers by strengthening lungs
r) stops bleeding from wounds and quickens healing with no scars

Try one Superchlorophyll today for yourself and your
family, and see the improvements it can make,
to add life to your years and years to your life!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The 6 important Questions

There are only 6 questions to ask your friends including yourself:-

1. In how many months from today, would you truly like to retire?
2. Do you have a plan to make it happen in the time frame?
3. How much money will you need monthly to retire comfortably?
4. What is your plan to have this monthly guaranteed income -
(most certainly from fixed deposits/ low risk & low return investments)
5. How much money will you need to invest today, at a 6%
return, to receive your desired monthly income?
(take your answer in Q3 and multiply by 200)
6. What is your plan today to achieve your goal?
( take the answer in Q5 and divide it by the answer in Q1.

Unicity - a simple, real and achievable global part time
home based business. Right timing, low risk / high
return, family consumption plan and fast moving high
demand consumer products that work.

Monday, November 06, 2006

50% of men & 64% of women left silently

A heart attack or stroke is called the silent killer as
50% of men and 64% of women had no prior
symptoms. With the first symptom being death, it
affects not just the victim's life, but the loved ones
left behind so suddenly. Even worse would be semi
paralysis - cutting your life in half!.

Over 70% of all heart attack and stroke victims die
in their sleep, without even setting their financial
affairs in order, or saying goodbye to their loved

The 7 leading causes of Heart attacks and strokes
are alcohol, lack of exercise, not enough fruits and
vegetables, obesity, hypertension and smoking with
the leading cause, being unhealthy cholesterol ratios.

So before you go to bed tonight, sit on the edge of
your bed, put your hand on your heart and ask
yourself this important question - is tonight the
night, have I set my finances in order and said
goodbye to my loved ones?.

Or you can do what most smart people do - they
prevent this tragedy and the stress of semi
paralysis, expensive surgery and life long medical treatment.

Bioslife - the only product in the world today that
is safe, patented & clinically proven to naturally
lower your bad cholesterol and triglycerides,
increase your good cholesterol & normalise your
blood pressure and sugar levels.

Bioslife works in 4 ways to naturally reduce your cholesterol -

1 - 5 different plant fibers to absorb bile acids preventing reabsorption
2 - Phytosterols from soybean and sunflower blocks
new cholesterol from the diet being absorbed
3 - Sugarcane policosanol prevents liver from making new cholesterol
4 - Chrysanthemum speeds up breakdown of Cholesterol in bloodstream

Other benefits of Bioslife - include a delicious
orange taste, immediate increased all day energy
and a slimmer waist within 30 days.

Do you know of, anyone in your family or friends,
who has a problem with cholesterol. high blood pressure or diabetes?

Please share this link - and video with them:-

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Simple Technology to promote yourself & your online business

I am using simple technology to promote my Unicity
business. Check out these links to see some of the
new things you can use:-

our hawaii trip streaming photos

our jakarta team streaming photos

our product photos streaming photos

event countdown to bioslife launch -see it at

our short prospecting video/movie clip

our new bioslife video clip

Get a free account at Friendster, Yahoo or Myspace,
update your photo, profile and post interesting quotes
on your profile / chat id screen (like 'did you buy your
breast cancer pad yet?' or 'r u looking for a safe &
natural alternative to high blood pressure, cholesterol
or blood sugar?') .

It's nice to get paid for chatting at home, directing
people to websites for more information and at the
same time, helping others achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Top 10 best selling drugs by

Here's some interesting facts for you from this slide
show by on the top 10 best selling drugs.
Of these top 10, most are competitor products to
treat similar diseases and I have summarised them below:-

1. Cholesterol /Heart Disease / High blood pressure US$ 29.1 billion
2. Heart burn US$ 9.7 billion
3. Schizophrenia US$ 8.7 billion
4. Asthma US$ 5.6 billion
5. Depression US$ 3.8 billion

Of these top 5 drugs, we have a safe and natural
alternative for 1,2 & 4. We can and will have a
share of this US$ 44.4 billion growing market!

Now imagine this - if just 3% of the people taking
drugs for cholesterol, heart disease, high blood
pressure and heart burn, learn about our safe,
natural, patented and clinically proven new
Bioslife (Complete), we are looking at a
US$1 billion product on our hands, within the next 12 months!

I am excited about our great tasting new Bioslife
health drink. Let's make life better for those we
can touch and make things happen with Bioslife today!

Monday, September 25, 2006

17 million will die every year - save the people you care about

17 million parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, colleagues
& friends will die from stroke or a heart attack every
year. If you knew of a product that was safe, natural,
clinically proven, affordable alternative to dangerous
statin drugs, would you share the information with them, and save them?

Launching our new and improved Bioslife2 in Singapore
and in Petaling Jaya by our Chief Scientific Officer from
Unicity USA, Dr Peter Verdegem.

Bioslife2 - works in 4 ways to reduce your bad cholesterol
(LDL), triglycerides (VLDL) and homocysteine levels,
raises your good cholesterol (HDL), balances your blood
pressure & blood sugar while losing fat around your waist
and giving you more energy!.

Panadol or other pain killers are good as a one off drug,
but it's dangerous to use it daily. Statin & diabetic drugs
are also dangerous when used daily over your lifetime!.
Learn why the new and improved Bioslife2 works and
why everyone you know, should be on this product.

Bioslife2 can add years to your life, and LIFE to your years!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

5 simple tips to enjoy your Ramadhan fast

30 days of dawn to dusk fasting and staying away
from food and drink. An exciting time for Muslims
as you prepare for Lebaran Idul Fitri.

However by depriving your body of food and water
for 12 hours, your blood becomes highly acidic
which leads to many health complications as you
age, some of which include constipation, weight
gain, joint pains & digestive problems.

Here are 5 easy tips to truly enjoy, a fast with
meaning and staying healthy with abundant
energy, especially those with gastric or digestive

1. Before the start of fast, drink Lean Complete
or Protein Charge or eat 2 Chlorospirulina,
and you will feel full and have lots of energy.

2. Break your fast with Lifealoe & Super
chlorophyll to soothe the stomach and
support the liver, before you start filling up
your empty stomach. Remember, your
stomach and liver have been resting for 12
hours so flush it first, before filling up with food.

3. During or within 30 mins of finishing your meal,
take 4 Chitorich to absorb the new oils and fats,
to stay slim and trim.

4. If you are prone to indigestion , heatiness, gas,
bloating or acid reflux, 2 hours after your food,
drink again your Lifaloe & Superchlorophyll.

5. Before sleeping, take your antioxidant fruits and
vegetables - Daily Produce24 to remove the free
radicals caused by the fasting. Antioxidants are
anti cancer and anti aging and its a must for you,
if you want to stay young & healthy always.

Happy Fasting and Selamat Berpuasa!.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Independence Day
- but are you really independent?
As we celebrate 3 independence days - Singapore,
Indonesia and soon Malaysia, let us be thankful for
our country's peace, stability and harmony.
What does independence mean to you?
For me, it's the freedom:- to make a million friends
around the world, to travel anytime & anywhere, to
be recognised for my efforts to build leaders, to be
able to make a difference & coach others to
become better, to contribute my time & money to
those less fortunate than ourselves & to be able
to bring hope to the entrepreneurs, the broke and
the physically sick.
Being broke is a temporary state, but being poor
is a crime. You have the freedom of choices, to
stay the same or do something different!
To the world, you are just one person, but to me,
you are the world and together with a common
purpose, nothing is impossible. We can touch
our families, neighbours, communities, countries
and the world to build a better tomorrow for our
children and grandchildren.
So are you really Independent & enjoying your
freedom or will you remain dependant with
limited freedom & limited choices. Only you can decide

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sinusitis - your safe & effective solution

Sinusitis - your safe & effective solution

This information is extracted from our Blueprints
for Healthy Living manual.

Symptoms of Sinusitis:-

Sinusitis presents with congestion, nasal discharge,
inability to breath air through the nose, pressure
around the eyes, frequent tearing, nasal sounding
voice, headaches, fever, chills, bad breath, post
nasal drip. and you will feel worse when you
lean your head over.


Bacterial growth takes place in the sinuses when
it is unable to drain. This blockage is caused by
an obstructed sinus outlet. The sinus tissues are
easily irritated and swell substantially, blocking
the draining of mucous. Colds, flu, allergies or
sore throats can transfer bacteria to the sinuses
where they take residence and grow.

Other contributing factors are:-
sudden changes in pressure, dental infections,
swimming, smoking, fumes, smoke, a broken
nose, asthma, sensitivity to birth control pills,
and aspirin can cause the sinuses to close and
toxin buildup that may contribute to sinusitis.

Complementary therapies

Cleanse the colon with a mild laxative tea and
parasite cleanser. Cleanse the respiratory tract
and drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of purified
water daily to help loosen up the thick mucous.

To stop the bacterial growth in the Sinuses and
throat, you should bring the body back from
acidic state to alkaline state so that the bacteria
cannot grow. An alkaline body boosts your
immune system to permanently prevent another
bacterial infection.

To loosen the mucous and to allow the swollen
tissues to shrink, you could do a little exercise in
a steamy atmosphere.

A safe and effective natural Program -
items listed by importance

Natures Tea - a mild laxative tea to gently cleanse the colon

Paraway Plus - removes parasites and bacteria from the body

Superchlorophyll - balances acidity of the body,
making body alkaline and boosting the immune system

RESP - herbal formulation to loosen up mucous and strengthen lungs

Additional Support

Bee Pollen - increase immunity and promotes healing

Bio - C - 4 sources of natural vitamin C to promote respiratory wellness

Coenzyme Q10 - promotes healthy immune function

For more information about the safety and
effective products please click on this link

And for more information about the products
for a healthy immune system, click

Monday, July 24, 2006

3 Simple ways to beat the Haze

The haze is back and your children, your parents
and grandparents, smokers and those with asthma,
are at a high risk for respiratory complications.

Here are the 3 things you can do to beat the haze
and keep you and your loved ones healthy.

1. Stay indoors and reduce outdoor activities

2. Drink lots of purified water, especially if you
are out of your home. It's hard to dink pure
water, unless you have a Nature Pure Purifier.

3. Enhance the respiratory system to prevent sore
throats, flu, chest infections and coughs. You
can use products like

Bio-C - 4 different forms of water and oil soluble
Vitamin C to prevent flu by strengthening the cell
walls and prevent virus attacks

RESP - a safe & proven herbal formulation
for relief for asthmatics

Daily Produce24 - powerful antioxidant
essence of 12 fruits and vegetables to remove
the Free Radicals & enhance your health.

We tell our children - Prevention is better than cure...
but prevention is also cheaper and less stressful than
cure. So start today and stay healthy and stress free.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Feed Yogjakarta Victims - MLB Foundation Mission

Feed Yogjakarta victims
Make Life Better Foundation Mission

I am proud to be associated with the Make Life
Better Foundation and our mission of helping
those less fortunate than ourselves.

Within a 2 week promotion, with a common goal
in mind, we were able to raise enough Soy Protein
donations to feed 400 undernourished victims for
15 days.

Click this link for the photos, of one of our many
missions of hope.

Monday, July 10, 2006

What did you learn during the past 128 hours?

2 hours for each of the 64 world cup matches over
the last 30 days. 128 hours have passed quickly
and I hope you have learned some new skills, you
can apply in your job or career.

In 128 hours, you could have learned a new skill in
speaking a new language, baking, cooking,
swimming, scuba diving or sewing. Or in Network
Marketing, after 128 hours of training, you should
have the skills to earn a minimum of US$ 100
extra every month, part time!.

Time is money and with each passing day, you are
either moving closer towards your dreams, goals
and desires or further away from it...depending
on how you use your relaxation hours.

95% of the people end up broke and only 5% end
up rich. And the choices we make today, on how
we spend our non working and non sleeping
hours, determine exactly where we land up.
Chose wisely!.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Why a range of fast moving
consumer goods that meet global trends

If you have yet to watch the Brilliant Compensation
VCD, please ask me and I will send one to you. This
information will really explain the concept of the
MLM distribution concept, especially if you are still
considering other conventional businesses or a part
time MLM business.

Most people fail at MLM due to 5 reasons

1 - They join the wrong company with no track
record, knowing fully well, that 70% of all new
start ups never last more than 3 years and 95%
never last beyond 10 years. Or they join a
company with no potential left for you!.

2 - They represent non consumable products with
no unique features. If products are not unique
fast moving consumer products, you fight the
market with price and cannot stop sponsoring
new people all the time

3 - They do not follow global trends that focus on
the needs of baby boomers who have the money
and are willing to spend it, to maintain their
youth, and to use natural and safe wellness
products to regain their health.

4 - They join friends and family with no prior
MLM experience and hope to build a walk away
income with hype and not real networking skills.

5 - They don't understand payment plans, nor
how a simple, affordable and duplicable system
can create a long term walk away income.

MLM works, if you have the right education and
training, to identify the 5 key fundamentals for
your success. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that
most people are not willing to learn by investing
just 30 minutes to save them the pain of failure
for making the wrong choice.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Father's Day

Have you said " I Love you Dad!" yet?.
Don't wait till it's too late!

Congratulations to all Fathers
for being our hero, our mentor & our coach.
For always being patient with us,
for being there for us, and
for always believing in us and guiding us
throughout our journey in life.
For always encouraging and never criticizing.
For leading us and gently pushing us
when we fall behind.

Hey, sounds very much like the job we do,
as network marketing leaders!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

AA Balance Pack Business Evaluation

AA balance Pack Business Evaluation

Are people generally looking out for a viable, low
cost and high return business to do?

Are people looking for a hot product, get the
distribution rights for one country or the whole
Region and finally make it to the promised land?

How much will people pay if they want to evaluate
a business – from hotel , travel, entertainment,
product samples, consultants, searches etc?.

Is B$ 157 /RM 325 to evaluate some products
affordable, to most business people?

B$ 157 / RM 325 is for the Acid Alkaline Balance
Pack consisting of 5 bottles of Lifaloe and 2 bottles
of Superchlorophyll for 2 people to evaluate for 30 days.

For every evaluation pack introduced, you earn
B$32 / RM 75 profit. And since you use one pack
& introduce a minimum 1 pack monthly, you get
5% Phase 1 Commission.

If the evaluator likes the products – we can then
recommend starting a franchised distribution
business with a commitment of just B$ 750 /
RM 1500. (B$125 / RM 250 monthly for 6
months). This is for just 1 AA balance pack which
you & your family can benefit from. ( delivery
charges billed separately depending on location)

Why a minimum of 6 months Autoship program?
– well if every month you sign up just 1 person on
a 6 months Autoship, your commission check will
continue to grow and never fall. And this is what
will get everyone excited – monthly commission
checks that continue to go UP and never drop
even if no one new signs up for the month!!

In January - signs up & introduces 1 to the biz.
- Total 2 people
In February, the 2 sign up one person each
– total 4 people
In March - everyone signs up one person each
– total 8 people
In April - again one person sponsors one
- total 16 people
In May - one sponsors one
- total 32 people
In June - each person sponsors one person
- total 64 people

What will you earn:-
January 1 x 50 x 3% = US$ 1.50
February 3 x 50 x 3% = US$ 4.50
March 7 x 50 x 3% = US$ 10.50
April 15 x 50 x 3%= US$ 22.50
May 31 x 50 x 3%= US$ 46.50
June 63 x 50 x 3%= US$ 94.50
(B$163 /.RM354)

Total commission earned over 6 months –
US$ 180 = B$ 311 / RM 675
Total retail profit for the 6 evaluation packs
B$ 192 / RM 450

This is a formula for success and not a
requirement. Some people may be better than
you, and are able to sign up more than 1 person

Friday, June 09, 2006

Business Plan strategies

1. Simple and duplicable
2. People helping people
3. Can see the money
4. Affordable entry RM 628 for products
5. Blue Ocean Strategy
6. Quick 3% and 10% comparison
7. Autoship minimum 6 months or until further notice

You come in with RM 628 (126pv) for a system pack of
a) 2 boxes Bioslife2 378
b) 1 AA balance Pack 250

Sign up for Autoship to your credit card minimum
6 months. And qualify in Phase 1 to override 5% of
the volumes under you.

You introduce 3 persons also with the system pack
and immediately qualify as a Manager and qualify
to override an additional 5% of the volumes under you.


Month 1 3 = 378pv x 10% = 140

Month 2 9 = 1,134pv x 10% = 420 560

Month 3 27 = 3,402pv x 10% = 1,270 1,830

Month 4 81 = 10,206pv x 10% = 3,820 5,650

Month 5 243 = 30,618pc x 10% =11,480 17,130

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rate my blog please

very informative

somewhat informative

possibly learned one new idea

sorry no ideas from this

View Results

Free Myspace Polls

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

National Achievers Congress May 15-16, 2006

Wow, a full house crowd of 3,000 top leaders and
executives from every profession were there. 2
whole days of learning new skills to increase our
contribution to society and to learn the secrets of
the wealthy.

This year an outstanding line up of speakers from
around the world came to KL to share their wisdom,
their strategies and philosophies. I hope to share
with you some of the things I learned from each of
them, so that maybe one day, you too, will join us
at the event and increase your knowledge and your
income too.

All of us like rich friends, correct?. It is a fact - your
income will be the average of your 10 closest friends.
So if you want to earn more money, hang out with
the people who are earning more and they will share
with you their secrets.

Jim Rohn – Sieze the Day…There is no better time than Now!
Background:- 39 years in Network Marketing,
World’s Foremost Business Philosopher

What I learned from Jim Rohn….

A. Self Development

What you become is more valuable than the money
you make You can have more, by becoming more –
focus on your personal development

All it takes is a day, to change your life around –
either positive or negative, and I hope today is the
day you say, enough is enough and you want to
Do more, Have more and Be more

You know when you are successful, when your name
appears on someone else’s testimonial – here’s the
person who inspired me, believed in me and made a
difference in my life.

It’s a small price to pay for the effort of helping
others becoming better.

Bring value to the people – the service that you give
and the person you become. Develop yourself to your
full potential and use your resources wisely.

Find a way to serve many people

All fortunes have a beginning – if you help enough
people get what they want, you can have everything
that you want - zig zigglar

Your income is determined by your Philosophy and
not the economy

Formal education gets you a job…Self education
makes you rich

To get up the earnings ladder from minimum wage
to top income change your philosophy by providing
greater service to attract the higher income.

You can climb as high as you wish and earn as much
as you want, if you learn to work harder on yourself,
than you do on your job.

B. How to prepare for the new tomorrow

We are now in the 7th millennium, 21st century, a
new day, a new time, an exceptional time Booming
economy, unusual opportunities, technology is
making the world smaller.

Keen competition worldwide and you have to always
be ready

1. Learn more than 1 skill – safety for the future

A. Find a product you can believe in so you can
recommend to others who in turn will
recommend to others – (he promoting
network marketing of course)

B. Finding good people to join you– if you
search you will find. Finding is reserved for
those that search.

C. If you give, you will receive it back multiplied

D. Learn how to organize, getting people to work
together. If 2 or 3 agree on a common purpose,
nothing is impossible :-
– if you think it’s impossible, it is not
– if you think you know everything, you don’t
– if you think you are alone, you are not

E. learn how to reward people for small steps of
progress. Be busy giving other people recognition,
you don’t need any for yourself

F. learn to inspire and communicate effectively with
your language – be impeccable with your words -
either spoken or written. Through your words, you
help people see the future, and the possibilities.
And helping others see themselves better than they
are today.

G. Teaching someone how to set goals

2. Learn more than 1 language – if you think you
cannot, give the gift of language to your children.

C. 5 Fundamentals of becoming Successful
- Success is achieved by the person you become

1. Your Personal Philosophy
Each person’s philosophy is the major factor on how
your life works out. Understand the dangers to
minimize them and the opportunities to maximize
them…the same with illness and health

Mimimise Maximise
Dangers opportunities
Illness health
Death Life
Darkness Light
Lose Win

Would it be possible to win, if you couldn’t lose?. If you
don’t play the game, you have already lost the great
human adventure of your life.

The same wind blows on all of us…where will you end
up in 5 years is how you set your sail

Education is vital so you don’t make the wrong
decisions or foolish choices.

2. Attitude

How your feel and your motivation.
Do you start with motivation or education?.
Set a goal to be a millionaire for the person you have to become to achieve it!

a) How you feel about the past – but not to live in the past
b) How you feel about the future – do you look forward with
anticipation by setting goals and designing your next 10 years?
Q1..What’s got you turned on?. – have you got
all your lights turned on inside and ready to
participate in changing people’s lives?
Q2 …What’s got you turned off?. Are you allowing
your past or someone to stop you from being the
best you can be?

Setting goals – have a list and keep checking it off.
Celebrate your achievements.

1) decide what you want.
Use your mind to think and process ideas and
information. Ideas are simply information taking
form. No other life form can make decisions to
change their destiny. Your direction you set in
your goals determines your destination. 5 years
from today, you will arrive – but where?.

2) Learn from your personal experience
Keep a journal of everything that happens in your life.
Don’t trust your memory.

3) Learn from other people’s experience
Whether negatives or positives to cut short your learning curve.

4) Learn from what you see & hear – (tv, radio)
Pay attention and be selective on what you watch or
listen to. Stand guard on what enters your mind for it
will affect your thoughts and your conditioning and

5) Learn from what you read – recommended
The Bible
Think and grow Rich
The Richest Man in Babylon

It’s easy to find, easy to read, easy to buy and easy not to read also.

c) How you feel about everybody – it takes everybody
to be successful. Learn to appreciate the gift everyone brings

d) How you feel about yourself – your self esteem
builds self confidence. It is not the size of the goal, it’s
whether you achieved it. Start with little goals on
yourself, your health and then move to bigger goals.

3. Activity
Activity ( labour pains – the pains of labour) creates the
miracle of new life. All new life comes from labour.

Be truthful about your present situation today, as the
truth sets you free to correct previous errors in
judgement, and to set up new disciplines.

Every fortune has a beginning and it starts with 6 days
labour and 1 day rest to review your progress. If you
are out creating miracles – making peoples lives
better, would you work harder and not take too long a rest?

4. Measure your Progress
Life expectations is measurable progress in reasonable
You must be reasonable with time – end of the day and
end of the week to measure your daily and weekly targets.
You cannot wait 5 years to measure your progress, as
for things to change, you have to change.
If you are unhappy with your cheque, change yourself.
Target for at least one rank up in one year.

5. Creating a lifestyle

The Essence of life is learning to live a good life.
We have the potential to not only survive, but to live a
generous, incredible and unique life so we can bless
others and share our success with others.

You have the ability to finally live off the income of
your invested resources and find joy in working – not
for the income, but to bless others with your
knowledge and wisdom.

You have good friends around you, who know all
about you and still like you.

You leave a legacy behind, long after you are gone.

You don’t miss out on anything – an occasion, an
event, a gathering. Go go go!

6. Conclusion

Something inside all of us is a genIus.

Important is your inner circle of family, friends and
business associates – show them the promise.

The drama is in the details…it’s the little things that count

Ron Kaufman – Lifting you Up!
Up your service, give others what they want, so you can have everything
you want.

What I learned from Ron Kaufman….

6 levels of service everyone experiences daily
determines if they will continue to be your customer,
or continue a relationship with you!.

Unbelievable – when others say wow! No one’s done that before.

4 different types of service you face daily..

A. One shot deal
What you see is what you get. Take it or leave it.
Here today gone tomorrow. And let the buyer beware.

B; Transaction Satisfaction
You form opinions all along the Perception
Points..e.g. advertising, parking, signage,
entrance, décor, smell, floor, people, waiter,
food presentation, exit and even the toilets.
Satisfaction in the whole process leads to
repeat transactions.

C: Repeating Relationships
People look for dependable, consistant and reliable providers

D: Powerful Partnerships.
Growing more Value, Vision, Volume, Variety, Victory
Growing more Interactive, Income, Interdependant, Inspiring
Growing more Profit, Professional, Productive, Positive, Personal

4 steps in creating Powerful Partnerships by building Trust
1. Explore – ask the questions to find out persons needs
2. Agree – to the details – day, time, event, place, terms
3. Deliver – critical as must perform based on the agreement.
4. Assure – look for feedback and ways to improve.
Ask this question: Is there anything we could do
differently the next time, that would make it
better or more valuable, for you

Brett Mcfall– How to Create money out of thin air
How to start and promote virtually any business on the internet

What I learned from Brett….

327 million internet shoppers in Asia
2.4 million shoppers in Singapore
10.4 million shoppers in Malaysia
250 billion searches made last year
US$ 170 billion online sales
2 million people buy on ebay daily

Tom Hua – How to make money on the internet as easy as 1,2,3

What I learned from Tom Hua….

Foundation of any Successful online business
1. Product
2. Website
3. Traffic

7 powerful ways to create product ideas

5 secrets of market research

Dr Dolf De Roos – Bubble proof your real estate investments
Strategies to defend and build your wealth in times of economic uncertainty

What I learned from Dolf….

INTEGRITY is what gets you rich and keeps you rich
Success is the persistence of getting up from every failure

Learn to make mistakes, but the key is not to repeat them

He who does not read, is as poor as someone who cannot read

4 key questions to answer if you want to invest in a commercial property.

Scott Friedman – So you think you’re funny?
How to use humour to make more money, build better relationships.

What I learned from Scott Friedman….

5 ways to Improve your sense of Humour

James Skinner – Lessions I learn from moving a billion Dollars
How to make more money and keep it forever

What I learned from James Skinner….

Energy + information will affect every organ, organism and organization

Money is just an idea with no mass and thus is not
goverened by the laws of physics.

Since money is an idea, all you need is one great idea
on how to make more money.

Do you decide your lifestyle based on your present
circumstances or on what you really want and desire.

Money is a useful tool to make things happen.

Many probabilities with a 50% chance of success will
all add up to the possibilities of getting the success you want.

3 ways to make money

1. Job – you get paid more for doing the thing
others cant do rather than the things others wont do.
Learn how to do all the things people cant do…e.g.
languages, skills.

2. Business – profit is the reward of successful
organization. Learn to organize people & processes
to cater for everyone’s buying considerations of
comfort, convenience, quality and ego.

3. Invest – taking the risk with capital, liquidity
and volitality. Learn the rules and risks of the game
you are in. The key is to win big and lose small.
Know when to walk away.

How to evaluate a business investment:-
1. Ask when am I getting my money back?
2. Have you ever done it before?
3. How many in your team have the experience doing it?

How to evaluate investing in Real Estate:-
1. Look for distress sale
2. Growing cities – look 20 minutes outside the city and buy
3. Look for properties with problems you can fix up easily

How to invest in the stock market:-
1. Buy stocks of your best competitor

How to build a big business:-
1. Get a big idea that excites people all around you
2. Organise other big companies to work with you
3. Focus on one key product
4. Have the guts to make decisions fast
5. Fast execution.


Next year key speaker is Mark Victor Hansen – the
co author of the Chicken Soup books on motivation,
inspiration & hope. Chicken Soup books have sold
over 100 million copies and is the top non fiction
book in the world.

Mark is a Business Associate with Unicity
International, and he has a Chicken Soup for the
Enriching Soul book – a collection of 5 stories
on how our products can make life better for

Mark uses and promotes Unicity products as he
knows our products can change people’s lives.

If you wish a copy of this booklet, do email or
sms me and I will send one off in the post for
you, absolutely free!


God bless you abundantely and may you live a life
with meaning and purpose always.

Ignatius Kraal
My mobile: +6 012 283 7979

Monday, May 08, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

Oh how commercialised Mothers Day has become...
everyone is trying to sell you massage chairs, cakes,
chocolates, flowers, lunch, birds nest & diamonds
to show your mother, how much you love her.

But one thing is for sure, your mother needs the gift
of health and extra energy, more than anything else
money can buy. Also as your mothers advances her
years, her vibrant health will give you less stress
and worries.

Invest in your mothers health with some simple yet
effective products like
Salmon Omega 3 oil, Calcium Magnesium Complex,
Superchlorophyll, Lifaloe for her anti aging &
energy, her joints & bones & her heart health.

It is always cheaper and less stressful to pay it now,
than to pay it later to the hospitals and doctors.

My appreciation and respect to all Mothers, today
and everyday and may you enjoy the life in your
years, with meaning and purpose always

Monday, May 01, 2006

Diamond Shirley from USA in Singapore Live!

Diamond Shirley from USA shares for the first time
in Singapore, what Unicity and Network Marketing
residual income is all about. Shirley together with
her late husband Ken in 1997 sponsored Eddy Tan,
SEA only Diamond today.

After 10 years in business in 1997, their monthly
check was US$200,000, Ken passed away in 1999
at the time their monthly check was US$300,000.
Today 6 years later, a check of US$400,000 is sent
to Shirley every month.

Come and meet Shirley and listen to her success
stories and her passion about the Unicity products
that has given back her health and the Unicity
business that has made her life better, and she in
turn making life better for many local charities,
schools and community organisations in USA.

Eddy Tan, Tan Choon Eng, G C Ong and myself
will be in Singapore for this special event, so
bring your camera, partners and guests.

Monday, April 24, 2006

How to legally reduce your yearly taxes.

The tax laws has always favoured the business owners.
If you own a business, your taxable income is not your
earnings but your net income after deducting your
phone bills, internet charges, stationary, local and
overseas travel expenses and interest charges.

As an employee, you are taxed on your total income,
leaving the balance for your expenses and holidays.

If you want to reduce your yearly tax payment, the
easiest way is to start building your Unciity
Business. When you start receiving monthly
commissions, prepare a simple profit and loss
statement that in most cases will show a loss. This
loss can be offset against your yearly salary, thus
reducing your yearly taxable income. If you like a
sample of this P & L Statement, do ask me.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

12 week trial of Omega 3 helps students

12 week trial of Omega 3 oil helps
students with best ever exam results

BBC news report 1st March 2006 - 200 students
who took 1 capsule of Omega 3 oil for 12 weeks,
improved their exam results and recorded
the schools highest grades ever.

Another 12 week study of 23 children recorded an
improvement of 79% in their reading and spelling,
with the girls recording the highest improvements.

Here's the link if you wish to read further on the
benefits of Omega 3 and the test results.

Invest in Unicity's Salmon Omega 3 supplement
today and within 3 months, your children will be
healthier and smarter.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

6 children have died already

6 Children have died already and others are at risk!

Children have a higher risk to contact the Bird Flu
and the Hand Foot & Mouth (HFM) disease. In
Sarawak, over the last 3 weeks, 4,000 children have
this disease,and so far 6 have died. With the current
school holidays in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore
there will be lots of children traveling and infected
children from Sarawak, will be visiting Brunei,
Indonesia, Singapore and to the rest of Malaysia.

If I have young children below 10 years old, I will be
very concerned since HFM is spread through the air,
especially at crowded places like airports, shopping
centres, tourists sites, restaurants and places of worship.

Bird flu, HFM, Dengue, TB and most other diseases,
can be Prevented, Arrested and Reversed ...if your own
immune system is strong and is able to fight off the
virus quickly and completely.

The key to a strong immune system is a simple 2 step
strategy -
1. strengthen up the army with the right nutrients and
2 supply the army with the ammunition it needs to fight off the virus.

The basic food and ammunition your Children's
immune system needs are:-

1. Bio -C and/or Chlorospirulina - one tablet daily
2. Native Legend Tea or Immunizen - use during
week 1 & 3 every month
3. Daily Produce 24 - 1 each daily - use during
week 2 & 4 every month

We compromise on many things especially on our
ownselves, but never on the health & wellness of
our children. I pray that your children remain
safe always.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Is your excuse No Time, No Money or No Energy?

I will take me 4 hours to get to Labuan/Brunei from
KL, just to spend 2 days with you and then take another
4 hours to get back home to KL.

If you are still facing the same problem, year after
year of no time, no money, no energy & no choices,
then invest 30 minutes with me and I will share
with you & your partner, some simple ideas and
make 2006 your best year ever.

I look forward to meeting you and a friend this
Friday & Saturday in Brunei or on Sunday in
Labuan.Call or sms my Brunei mobile 872 5093,
so I can block off my time for you. Check my
Brunei events below and look forward to seeing
you soon!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

For Your Eyes Only!

Be Complete Eye Care was successfully launched last
Saturday in Singapore. I have updated the photos to

Eye bags, fine lines, crow's feet, dark circles all show
signs of aging & fatigue. Our lightweight & all natural
fast absorbing Be gel-creme, features:-

a) Latest Peptide technology using a complex of soy &
rice bran and yeast protein to soften dark cirles &
reduce puffiness, decrease collagen & elastin
breakdown to delay the fine lines, crows feet and
wrinkes and reverse aging.

b) 3 forms of Camomile extract and Licorice extract
to soothe and refresh tired eyes - especially for those
working long hours on the PC or driving.

c) Jojoba oil to instantly hydrate the delicate skin
around the eyes, which is just 0.05mm, 3 times
thinner than your facial skin.

d) Tocopherol - the highest quality Vit E to remove
Free Radicals and keep eye area looking young.

e) 12 nurturing botanical & plant extracts for a
soothing aroma

f) Optical diffusers to instantly brighten the eye
area and blur fine lines

g) Use after your Step 4 BE Day & Night
moisturiser or togther with your Green Tea Oil,
for quick and effective results.

h) Clinical studies show within 4 weeks of using BE
Complete Eye Care, you will see these results:-
i) 105% reduction in dark circles,
ii) 44% decrease in fine lines and wrinkles
iii) 89% decrease in puffiness and eye bags
iv) 89% decrease in skin dryness

Order two 15ml jars today - one to try out now on one
eye area, so you can see the difference, and the other
to quickly share it with your loved ones.
35pv WP 71 Retail S$ 88

Monday, January 02, 2006

Setting your Goals to Make your Life Better

A Happy, Healthful and Successful 2006 to you and
your family.

So quickly 2 days are gone and 363 days remain to
achieve your goals and dreams for 2006. Dreams do
come true, for those that believe and take the
consistent action necessary to become better &
attract others to themselves

If you want your life to be better, then set your goals
in writing. Make them

Specific - what exactly do you want to achieve
by 31st Dec
Measurable - the action steps necessary to achieve
your written goals
Achievable - if you currently earn US$1,000 in your
job, then your subconscious mind can
only accept a bonus check of the same.
Realistic - your rewards are directly based on you
time and effort invested
Time framed - set progressive monthly, quartly, half
yearly, 3rd quarter and final quarter

Once you have them written down, share the goals
with your supportline, and they will be happy to
assist you in every way possible to achieve them.

Let's make 2006 YOUR YEAR to realise your true
income potential, help others Make Life Better and
in return, Make YOUR Life Better too.