Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Independence Day
- but are you really independent?
As we celebrate 3 independence days - Singapore,
Indonesia and soon Malaysia, let us be thankful for
our country's peace, stability and harmony.
What does independence mean to you?
For me, it's the freedom:- to make a million friends
around the world, to travel anytime & anywhere, to
be recognised for my efforts to build leaders, to be
able to make a difference & coach others to
become better, to contribute my time & money to
those less fortunate than ourselves & to be able
to bring hope to the entrepreneurs, the broke and
the physically sick.
Being broke is a temporary state, but being poor
is a crime. You have the freedom of choices, to
stay the same or do something different!
To the world, you are just one person, but to me,
you are the world and together with a common
purpose, nothing is impossible. We can touch
our families, neighbours, communities, countries
and the world to build a better tomorrow for our
children and grandchildren.
So are you really Independent & enjoying your
freedom or will you remain dependant with
limited freedom & limited choices. Only you can decide

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