Sunday, November 26, 2006

SuperChlorophyll - 17 reasons to drink it!

I am inspired to share with you about a simple, affordable
and yet a safe and proven solution to most people's health
challenges - a lack of beneficial vitamins, protein, enzymes
& trace minerals from your current diet.

Business is booming in Thailand today, and was built
over the last 3 years, using this simple product that costs
just RP 130,000, RM 46, B$ 23, S$22, for a month's
supply. 1 teaspoon a day mixed in water to drink anytime!

Supercholorophyll is chlorophylin concentrate from alfalfa
- also know as the king of herbs. Used for centuries, to
benefit babies to elders with :-

a) better skin condition by cleaning the blood
b) better energy levels by improving absorption of nutrients
c) improves bowel movement & soothes painful Hemorrhoids (piles)
d) less sick days by eliminating toxins & increasing immunity
e) less joint pains by balancing acidity levels & keeping body alkaline
f) natural body cooling when you feel heaty or have a fever
g) solves stomach & mouth ulcers & insomnia
h) solves water retention problems by enhancing kidney functions
i) removes bad breath and body odour by cleansing tissues of toxins
j) anti bacterial properties to relieve sore throats, tonsils & tooth aches
k) solves hangovers by strengthening liver especially for alcoholic drinkers
l) stops menstrual cramps, regulates menstruation & balances hormones
m) helps anemics build red blood cells by cleansing the liver
n) helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics
o) improves circulation in legs to reduce varicose veins
p) improves milk production in lactating mothers
q) helps asthmatics and smokers by strengthening lungs
r) stops bleeding from wounds and quickens healing with no scars

Try one Superchlorophyll today for yourself and your
family, and see the improvements it can make,
to add life to your years and years to your life!

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