Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Solution to Hives using Unicity's Chlorophyll powder

Shared by hafiz:)

Don't be deceived by the size and low price of the product! Chlorophyll Powder may look small but has alot of benefits!

Here's a sharing by my consumer Lina on her mother-in-law,

Just recently her mother-in-law faced a hives problem and was given Chlorophyll to drink. Within a day, the hives subsided. Chlorophyll works and has made her life better.

To order a Chlorophyll Powder can in Malaysia, call Kraal at 012-2837979 or for Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines or India, email

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Basic Nutrition by GC Ong 1st August 2012

Basic Nutrition

Anyone can find disease. The objective is to find Health.

Join GC Ong tonight as he shares with much fun and laughter, important information in simple language that both you and I can understand, that can make your life better.

Tonight 1st August 2012, 8pm, 3rd floor Wisma Mofaz (Honda Showroom)- opposite Curve along the LDP.

Call Kraal at +6 0122837979 if you need directions.