Monday, September 25, 2006

17 million will die every year - save the people you care about

17 million parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, colleagues
& friends will die from stroke or a heart attack every
year. If you knew of a product that was safe, natural,
clinically proven, affordable alternative to dangerous
statin drugs, would you share the information with them, and save them?

Launching our new and improved Bioslife2 in Singapore
and in Petaling Jaya by our Chief Scientific Officer from
Unicity USA, Dr Peter Verdegem.

Bioslife2 - works in 4 ways to reduce your bad cholesterol
(LDL), triglycerides (VLDL) and homocysteine levels,
raises your good cholesterol (HDL), balances your blood
pressure & blood sugar while losing fat around your waist
and giving you more energy!.

Panadol or other pain killers are good as a one off drug,
but it's dangerous to use it daily. Statin & diabetic drugs
are also dangerous when used daily over your lifetime!.
Learn why the new and improved Bioslife2 works and
why everyone you know, should be on this product.

Bioslife2 can add years to your life, and LIFE to your years!

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