Thursday, January 30, 2020

Protecting your loved ones from the Novel CoronaVirus nCoV with Unicity's Unimask

As always during a crisis, the first thing people reach for is the cheapest ...but what's cheap is not necessarily good. And what's good is not usually cheap. Then again, how cheap is your body, and how much will you spend to keep the health of yourself and your loved ones healthy and free from sickness, disease and stress?

There are two main types of face masks that are being used to do that. One is a standard surgical mask – the kind worn by surgeons during operations. These masks are designed to block liquid droplets, and might lower the chance of catching the virus from another person.

But these masks don’t offer full protection against airborne viruses. For a start, they don’t fully seal off the nose and mouth – particles can still get in. And very small particles can simply pass through the material of the mask.

Following are some photos that will explain why Unicity's Unimask is your best protection and peace of mind, for your precious loved ones.

Stocks are very limited, and prices are controlled, so do make a correct decision to invest in the health of your family.

PM Kraal at +60122837979 should you wish to purchase or be my master franchisor in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, India or Thailand.