Sunday, June 25, 2006

Why a range of fast moving
consumer goods that meet global trends

If you have yet to watch the Brilliant Compensation
VCD, please ask me and I will send one to you. This
information will really explain the concept of the
MLM distribution concept, especially if you are still
considering other conventional businesses or a part
time MLM business.

Most people fail at MLM due to 5 reasons

1 - They join the wrong company with no track
record, knowing fully well, that 70% of all new
start ups never last more than 3 years and 95%
never last beyond 10 years. Or they join a
company with no potential left for you!.

2 - They represent non consumable products with
no unique features. If products are not unique
fast moving consumer products, you fight the
market with price and cannot stop sponsoring
new people all the time

3 - They do not follow global trends that focus on
the needs of baby boomers who have the money
and are willing to spend it, to maintain their
youth, and to use natural and safe wellness
products to regain their health.

4 - They join friends and family with no prior
MLM experience and hope to build a walk away
income with hype and not real networking skills.

5 - They don't understand payment plans, nor
how a simple, affordable and duplicable system
can create a long term walk away income.

MLM works, if you have the right education and
training, to identify the 5 key fundamentals for
your success. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that
most people are not willing to learn by investing
just 30 minutes to save them the pain of failure
for making the wrong choice.

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