Saturday, September 01, 2007

Would you rather be doing something else?

Most people's concern is their time. They spend too much time in their jobs or business, with not much time left over for their hobbies, their friends, their family and their health.

If your job or business takes up all your time, would you much rather sacrifice some of the money, for a bit more free time to do the things you really want?.

But the truth is that you just cannot stop doing what you are doing, for when you do, the money stops coming in!. I was planning to go to singapore for the Anthony Robbins Unlimited Power event, and forgot my friend had a job and could not attend as targets were not met and leave was not applied for.

Here's an event that can turn your life around, and possibly earn the big money. But most people can't attend due to the lack of the few hundred ringgit for the ticket or even the excuse that they can't get leave. How sad can it be, when the small obstacles keep us from realising our true earnings potential.

I'm glad I made the decision 8 years ago, to start a home based franchise business, so that I could earn a leveraged monthly income from other people's efforts, rather than 100% on my own efforts.

Time - to get more of it, you have to sacrifice some today, to learn some new skills. Did I hear you don't have time to spare?. Yeah, the same excuse today, tomorrow, and until your last breath too, that I guarantee!.

24 hours is what everyone gets daily - don't waste your time working to pay the bills, when you can invest some in new skills that can earn you profits.

Wages can earn you a living, but profits can make you a Fortune!. Remember that!.

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