Saturday, September 15, 2007

Breast Cancer - education and prevention

In any free enterprise, our goal is to create a product or service of value, and offer it to the market place. In exchange, people will give us their money and we provide them the service or product.

I just joined a Breast Cancer cause on Facebook, and they are seeking donations, to do more research on breast cancer.

So my question is this...shouldn't the money be used instead, on education and prevention, rather than on finding the next drug?

Breast Cancer is the only cancer you can detect early!. And all girls must be taught to do a breast self examination every month, so as to detect any usual growths or change in size, shape or colour.

We cannot wait till you reach 40 before you go for a clinical exam or a mamogram, as breast cancer is stiking ladies at a younger age.

So why then is breast cancer still so common?. The main cause is that ladies cannot feel the difference between fat, bones and an unusual growth. So the Breast Self Examination Pad was created, to enhance the sense of touch, so you can feel under the skin and fat for unusual lumps.

Visit my eBay store and invest in a BSE Pad today, so you can teach your wife, your girl friend, your sister and your daughters how to prevent Breast Cancer.

PS: Sold at my eBay site at just RM 77 - US$ 22 (and at other sites at US$37)

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