Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bell's Palsy symptoms, causes and Unicity healing

Sam called to inquiry as his friend's mum is now suffering from Bell's Palsy and asked if any of our Unicity products can help heal this lady.


Bell's Palsy is a pain and paralysis of the face. The onset is characterised by weakness on one half of the face followed by paralysis. The patient cannot control salivation or lacrimation and in some severe cases, cannot close the eye on one side. Most palsy patients have a distorted face during the duration of the disease.


Inflammation of the seventh cranial nerve (facial nerve) usually due to a virtal infection or immune disease resulting in ischmia and nerve compression.

Body Systems affected

Nervous and immune.

Complementary therapies

It is important to remember that the compressed nerve will swell and this inflammation must be relieved in order for teh palsy to be remedied. Ice, packs, warm packs, manipulation and stretching exercises may be of benefit.

What You can Expect

By using nutritional supplements, hot and cold compresses to the affected area, you can expect to help the inflammation within hours, thus improving the overall healing. Normally palsy patients take several months to overcome the paralysis. However if you will use anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 weeks at the same time you use the nutritional supplements, you can expect to heal twice as fast. Some patients heal in a month. As much as 90% of patients completely heal after they have experienced total paralysis.

Natural Healing using Unicity's products

Cleansing and Detoxifying - the first step to Healthy Living

Cleanse with a Natures Tea - a natural laxative tea consisting of 9 herbs and Lifibre - a dietary blend of 29 herbs and fibre in order to detoxify and restore proper nutritional absorption. Paraway Plus - a parasite cleanse consisting of 16 herbs including wormwood, black walnut hulls and other anti-parasitic herbs is beneficial if you suspect a parasite infection.

Prevention & Maintenance

Glucosamine - lubricates joints and reduces swelling that could help reduce the pressure on the nerve

Salmon Omega 3 oil - diales tiny blood vessels in the face and delivers these nutrients more generously. These Essential Fatty Acids also helps reduce swelling and provides the building blocks of healthy nerves.

Daily Produce 24 - powerful anti-oxidants from fruits and vegetables reduces free radical damage and inflammation thus promoting normal nerve function.

Bee Pollen - contains B-complex vitamins essential for normal nerve function.

Optimal health benefits are achieved by those that consistently and correctly follow the 6 steps to Optimal health:
1. Hydrate the body with 8 glasses of water daily
2. Walk at least 10 minutes daily
3. Cleanse and Detox the body every 6 months
4. Nourish the body to keep it in optimal working condition
5. Target specific nutritional support based on present and future health.
6. Sleep enough so the body can repair and heal itself.

Do contact me should you require any further information or if I can be of any service.

Setapak, KL, Malaysia
012 283 7979 - in Malaysia
82035433 - in Singapore
0875081006 - in Thailand

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