Saturday, September 27, 2008

Erectile Dysfunction is an early warning sign

What's good for your penis is also good for your heart. At last the health industry professionals have found out that the penis is actually your dipstick for a healthy heart.

When it is down, your health will suffer the same fate, and when it is up, you'll be both mentally and physically fit and healthy.

Erectile dysfunction is an early signal of blood vessel damage, caused by high blood pressure, diabetes and other heart disease risk factors. In fact ED is the centre of a lot of diseases including prostate problems.

Men who have to rely on the dangerous magic blue pill are at severe risk of getting a heart attack or stroke, unless they do something radically different from today.

If your dipstick is down, it's time to do a 30 day cleanse and detox program using products like Natures Tea, SuperChlorophyll, Paraway Plus and Native Legend Tea.

After this cleanse program, followe up wtih a 2 months program on Bioslife to manage healthy cholesterol. blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Magically your ED will be solved (without Viagra or Cialis), and your dipstick will be up and so will your health. But most importantly, you can prevent the life changing strokes, heart attacks and diabetic complications.

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