Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Magic cure-all bullet?

Some people still believe, there is a magic cure all bullet - just use this oil, eat this pill or drink this juice and you will enjoy a long and vibrant life.

Our body is so complicated that it needs 91 nutrients comprising of 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids, before it can make all the enzymes and hormones that control everything, to repair, energise and rejuvenate the trillions of cells.

Every celebration including just meeting friends, calls for food. And we eat what we like, not what we should.

Today even adults at mid 30's, complain of joint pains, allergies, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

These 91 nutrients can be found in Chlorospirulina, Super Chlorophyll & Salmon Omega 3.

Visit my eBay store and do remember to take your supplements daily!

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