Yesterday, I went to visit a friend who had just delivered her second son 4 days earlier.
As always, my gifts will be a Chlorospirulina and a Salmon Omega 3 oil. These are really excellent products for the mum to consume, to boost milk production and also feed the essential nutrients like EPA, DHA, vitamins, minerals and protein to her baby, through her milk. And also replenish the mum's nutrients so she does not experience post natal depression.
I was sad to learn that 4 days after delivery, she is still waiting for her milk to start flowing. So I had to ask, what about during your first son - did you have milk before his delivery or did the milk start when you started using these 2 products, that I gave her previously too?.
I was not suprised by the expected answer, but surprised that even after seeing what Chlorospirulina and Salmon Omega 3 did for her first birth, she was still taking chances and saving on these 2 supplements, and depriving her new second born, with her colostrum and antibodies from her breast milk.
There are 3 products every pregnant and lactating mother should consume, to ensure her baby gets the best raw ingredients, and get a heard start in life.
Calcium Magnesium Complex - to build a strong skeletal system and also to replenish the calcium in the mother and sooth the back and calf aches.
Chlorospirulina - the most complete food from the sea - to build strong healthy organs and
Salmon Omega 3 oil - to build the brain, eyes and good skin and also replenish the DHA and prevent post natal depression.
If a pregnant mother gets these 3 essential supplements, not only will she have an easy pregnancy, birth and quick recovery, but also wont go through the pregnancy cravings, brought about by the lack of minerals in the body.
What is cheap is seldom good and what is good is never cheap. So don't cheapen yourself and stinge on your health and that of your kids. For quality is remembered, long after price is forgotten.
Monday, April 30, 2007
No Milk today again?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Is there hope if you have cancer?
Over the last 30 days, I've had a friend die from cancer, another being diagnosed with cancer, and have chatted wtih 10 people who have been referred to me, seeking hope.
The sad part is that while most people know that chemotheraphy and radiation will never cure you, but just weaken you further and prolong your suffering, yet many still choose this option.
I've spent the last 8 years learning about nutrition & the immune system and how high quality nutrients, can actually help the body heal itself. Yes, I have helped many be cancer free, and those that have followed my advice, are living a healthy and vibrant cancer free life.
The food we love are mere carriers for the nutrients, that the body needs to repair, rebuild and heal itself. Today we eat for taste and convenience - never for the nutrients. Have you had a meal and proudly claimed it to be delicious or nutritious?
So when your body is in a crisis state - when you have cancer - you really need to provide the nutrients it needs to heal itself quickly.
Depending on your budget, here's what I know works and you can see positive results within 60 days!.
Native Legend Tea - to boost the natural killer cells and cleanse your lymphatic system
Daily Produce - 24 powerful antioxidants from 12 fruits and 12 vegetables.
Antioxidants have anti cancer and anti aging properties
Red Clover Plus - 14 herbs to nourish your liver and cleanse your blood
PhytoPath - grape seed extract, pine tree bark, green tea - all powerful super antioxidants. Super antioxidants are 50 times more powerful than Vitamins A,C & E.
Food is certainly our medicine and the plants with medicinal healing properties, have for thousands of years and will continue to be, God's gift to us.
Yes there is hope and I wish you a long and healthy life and many productive years ahead.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Your daughter needs to learn how to do a Breast Self Examination
Breast self-examination should be performed both while lying down flat on your back and standing in front of a mirror. Be sure to take enough time to examine both breasts thoroughly.
3. May be reused every month unless punctured.
A. By examining your breasts regularly, you should become familiar with what is normal for your body. Any change should be brought to the attention of your doctor. But remember, breast self-exam is only one part of good breast health care. It is very important that you have regular clinical breast exams and mammograms from age 40.
A. You should examine your breasts once every month within a week after the end of your menstrual period. This is the time when your breasts are least likely to be tender or swollen.
If you have stopped having periods, or if your periods are not regular, examine your breasts every month, preferably on the same day of the month. Choose a day that is easy to remember -- for example, the first day of every month.
A. If The BSE Pad™ becomes soiled, simply rinse with warm water and let dry. Store The BSE Pad™ at room tenperature
A. Size is approx 20cm x 25cm flat and folds into a resealable pouch approx 12cm x 20cm
A. Unless you puncture the pad, it should last you your lifetime.
A. Comes with instruction sheet, links to an online video to view how to do your breast self examination and a resealable pouch for storage.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
19 minutes, twice weakly?
Since 18th april, after the news article, I wanted to write about the poor Malaysian men – 6th fastest in love-making – taking only 19.9 minutes and only doing it 115 times a year - just twice a week . No wonder 60% of the women were unsatisfied and wanting more. What a shame!
Then 24th april, was another news article – 64% Malaysian men (global average 62%) are not very satisfied with their tool.
And now, they have come up with a grading system for ED –
Grade 1 – large but not hard – only nice to show off at the gym
Grade 2 – hard but otherwise quite useless as not hard enough for penetration
Grade 3 – good enough for a quick game – now we know why Malaysian men only last 19.9 minutes – from start to end – how sad
Grade 4 – just 36% or 1-3 men are ready and able to satisfy their partners.
For the last 8 years, I’ve helped many men maintain a Grade 4, with a safe & natural product from Unicity, USA called LoveRx. 84% of men see results within 2 days and 16% will see results within 30 days.
Maybe its time, we Malaysian men stand up and be counted!.
Monday, April 23, 2007
4 simple tests to determine your Biological age
The truth hurts – 4 steps to determine your Biological age
Do you look or feel your chronological age?. Do you sometimes wonder why a person you know, either looks younger or older than their actual age?. Would you like to look young, feel young and prevent diseases that affect the elderly, due to the deterioration of your body caused by stress, pollution and toxins?
Here are 4 tests to find out if your biological age corresponds to your Chronological age. It's very simple, and I encourage you to try it.
1. Skin Elasticity Test
Pinch the skin at the back of your hand for 5 seconds. The skin should return to it's original position based on the following:-
Age 40-50 within 2 seconds
50-60 between 3 to 6 seconds
60-70 above 7 seconds
2. Reaction time - coordination between vision and action.
Hold an 18 inch ruler between your thumb and forefinger which are opened 3
inches apart at the 18inch mark. Have a friend, drop the ruler and you have to
catch it between your fingers. The slower your reaction time, the further up
the ruler you will catch.
Age 20 11 inch
30 10 inch
40 9 inch
50 8 inch
60 7 inch
70 6 inch
3. Balance
Close your eyes and balance yourself standing on one foot. Please ensure that someone assists you to ensure you do not hurt yourself, should you fall.
20-30 years old 28 seconds
30-40 years old 22 seconds
40-50 years old 18 seconds
50-60 years old 12 seconds
60-70 years old 4 seconds
4. Focussing your vision
Take any newspaper and hold it about 40 inches away from you. Try to focus on the regular print and not the headlines!. Bring the paper closer to you and stop when you cannot read the print. Measure the distance.
20-30 years old 4-5 inches
30-40 years old 7-8 inches
40-50 years old 12-13 inches
50-60 years old 22-25 inches
60-70 years old 39-40 inches
I hope you enjoyed the tests and the results. Well if the results showed your biological age corresponds to your chronological age, congratulations!.
You should look and feel your age!. But don't be too happy, as most people want to look and feel younger and grow old gracefully.
Yes it is possible to reverse your biological clock by 5 to 10 years. No animal by-products nor with any side effects, clinically tested for over 12 years. If you are female above 35 years of age, or male above 40 years of age, you have everything to gain by using Enjuvenate.
Visit my ebay store and you too can look and feel younger by tomorrow.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Investing in your Success
If you have yet to know about this event, do read my blog to learn about last year's NAC in KL or this the papers.
This year, 9 speakers who will inspire you to greatness, include:-
Mark Victor Hansen - Chicken Soup books & Unicity Associate
Jerry Clark - a Network Marketing Millionaire at 21
Stephen Pierce - famous Internet Marketer
Dr Clemen Chiang - trading options
T Harv Eker - Secrets of the Millionaire mindset
Andrew Matthews - How to have more friends, be happy & follow your heart
James Skinner - The 9 steps to success - ideas that can change your life
Roger Hamilton - Wink and grow rich - Your life, Your Legacy
Tung Desem - Break the Record - Indonesia's best selling author.
If you have yet to get your ticket, get it today at RM650 and get a free CD and a 3 day internet marketing seminar worth a total of RM3,125.
If you have your ticket bought last year at just RM350, see you there!.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tax planning for dummies to pay less next year
Employees, get taxed off their income, but Companies get taxed off their profits. (income less expenses). See the big difference?
Some smart people realized this 50 years ago. If employees had a part time home based business, then they too could claim expenses like travel, petrol, tolls, car expenses, internet access, salaries for part time help, phone bills & stationary from their business income.
In the early years of starting their home based business, this business loss can be deducted from their employment income to receive a tax refund.
Most people I have consulted to, save between $1 to 4 thousand yearly on tax planning - not tax evasion!. Enough for a nice holiday, don’t you think?
So if you pay too much taxes, and want to reduce it, contact me and I can help you get started in a home based business today.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Mum's the word - 3 weeks left
Mother's Day May 13th – 3 weeks and fast approaching
What’s the greatest gift you going to get your Mum or Wife on Mothers Day?
Another clutch bag, home appliance, earring, skincare, cosmetics, Dvds, Brooches, cakes or more unhealthy eating?
Ever consider the gift of vibrant health, so that she can add years to her life and enjoy healthy years in the company of her grand children.
With 3 weeks to go, here are some life-changing gift ideas, based on a recent Readers Digest Survey of 13,000 women in Asia, April 2007 issue :-
Anti Aging & Insomnia – Enjuvenate
Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Weight Loss - BiosLife
Osteoporosis – Calcium Magnesium Complex
Arthritis & Knee Joints – CM Plex Crème & Glucosamine
Vision & Sight problems – Biltein Vision
Breast Cancer – BSE Pad & Native Legend Tea
Well if you still think she needs external beauty rather than health, then visit here for a complete list of daily skincare, skin anti-aging treatment & hair care products.
Still don’t have an idea?. Then visit my blogs at – for personal care – for women’s heart health at menopause – for vibrant health and wellness.
These exclusive products your mum and wife will love, can be bought at my ebay store.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
13,000 women surveyed - here's the results
Women Speak Out on Major Health Concerns
Readers Digest April 2007 issue
1,600 female readers in Malaysia and 13,000 in 7 Asian countries were surveyed and results compiled by Nielsen Media Research. Ages surveyed were 18 to 70 with average age of 42. 46% are college graduates with average monthly household income of RM5,500.
Malaysian Women have health on their minds. 67% (54% regionally) say they are in good health, 30% consider themselves to be average leaving 3% with ill health. That's 1 in 3 who are unhealthy.
What Ails & Worries Malaysian women today?
1. High Blood Pressure............64.1.................70.6
2. High Cholesterol..................50.6.................68.8
3. Weight Problems.................43.3.................55.0
4. Diabetes...........................38.6.................68.8
5. Sight Problems....................38.4.................40.1
6. Arthritis............................26.4..................33.2
7. Insomnia...........................23.4..................27.0
8. Osteoporosis.......................18.7...................40.8
9. Depression.........................14.1...................30.5
10. Cancer.............................11.3...................59.4
Yes BiosLife will help with the top 4 concerns today.And I do sell clinically proven products like Biltein Vision for no5, CMPlex for no6 and Calcium Magnesium Complex for no 8.
Some of these products are listed in the Physicians Desk Reference 2006 – a reference book used by 95% of all Doctors & Pharmacists.
Do your blood test, then use BiosLife for 90 days because you can enjoy healthy pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and a slimmer body within 90 days!. Want a challenge?
Monday, April 16, 2007
Stomach, Hips, Arms & Thighs
A never ending struggle to keep it looking the same as when you were 21!
Over the last week, I’ve a girl mid 20s, a career lady early 40s and my aunt a grandmother at 60s looking for advice. I guess I must still be in good shape at 48!. Hehehehe.
Forget about starvation, walking, exercise, and dieting – they all don’t work.
The basic principle is, if input is more than output, then the excess calories, are stored around your stomach, hips, arms and thighs. Over the last 8 years, I’ve helped so many people stay trim.
Today, with just Nature’s Tea and Bioslife, within days, you enjoy more energy, slim down, sleep better and have more confidence looking good. More importantly, naturally and safely manage your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and prevent colon cancer too.
Oh yeah, it’s hard work to drink your Bioslife before lunch and dinner and your Nature’s Tea before sleeping. So are you disciplined enough to give a final shot to solve your lifelong struggle?.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Why you need a chelated Calcium Supplement
The previous RDA (recommended daily allowance) of 800 milligrams of calcium per day for an adult woman was replaced by the Institute of Medicine in 1997. The new recommendations, now called DRIs (dietary reference intakes), are for
500mg for ages 1 to 3,
800mg for ages 4 to 8,
1,200mg for ages 9 to 18,
1,000mg for ages 19 to 50.
1,300mg during pregnancy and lactating
1.500mg for women in menopause or over 65
Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease from a metabolic cause in the United States. It produces hundreds of thousands of fractures every year, most commonly in the backbones, hips and wrists.
Eight million women and 2 million men suffer from this disorder. Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men because they have lighter bones and lose bone mass more rapidly after menopause. It is often thought of as being "postmenopausal osteoporosis" because this is the most common setting for the disease.
Hormone deficiencies (estrogen in women and androgens in men) are the most common cause. Many patients will choose to replace these hormones, but this is still controversial for some, due to their adverse side effects.
Calcium, magnesium, boron, mangnese, protein and vitamin D are all necessary to help prevent osteoporosis. Getting enough of these in your diet can be a challenge. Let's talk a bit about sources of calcium and general dietary recommendations. Let’s bone up on the basics.
Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are the strongest calcium food sources. That statement is a myth, because today the dairy producing countries like Australia and the USA have the highest number of Osteoporosis cases. Why?. Milk and it’s by products are acidic in nature and eat into the calcium in your bones.
Other foods that are very healthy for you anyway are good calcium sources. You can get a lot of calcium from bony fish, like herring, salmon, sardines and mackerel. Green leafy vegetables like kale, collards, broccoli and turnip greens have organic calcium as well. Many commercial foods, like bread, cereals and orange juice, are now (inorganic) calcium-fortified.
But most people still don't eat enough dietary calcium. People avoid dairy products to stay away from the fat in them, and dairy can also be a low-grade food allergy producer. Most of us don't eat that many green vegetables, and who eats sardines everyday? So there's the problem.
Some foods can interfere with calcium absorption by binding the calcium. This would include foods like spinach, nuts and rhubarb (containing oxalate) and soybeans and wheat bran (containing phytate). These are fine foods, just don't take your calcium supplement along with them. Avoid too, the "natural" sources of calcium like oyster shell, dolomite and bone meal, as they can be slightly contaminated with heavy metals like lead
I think most experts would say that you have to get as much calcium from your diet as you can, and then if you still fall a little short, you can supplement up to a decent level. But what supplements should you take? Well, there's a right answer.
Calcium carbonate is the cheapest and most widely used calcium supplement, but it doesn't dissolve so well, particularly if you are an older person who doesn't make much stomach acid. This is the form of calcium that's in Tums and OsCal. Taking it with a meal can help. You can test the dissolvability of your calcium tablet in normal stomach acid by dropping a pill into a cup of vinegar. If it hasn't dissolved in 20 to 30 minutes, you’ll have trouble with stones and bone spurs after 5-10 years.
Calcium citrate is the second most common form and can be taken in a fizzy drink or a pill. It's more easily absorbed than calcium carbonate.
Chelated forms (calcium is bound to an amino acid -protein is more expensive but will give you greater value for your money. These would include calcium lactate, glubionate, gluconate and calcium citrate malate. They are absorbed up to 10 times better than non chelated forms of minerals. Ref: Earl Mindell’s Vitamin Bible, pg 19. Alboin Labs, International Conference on Human Nutrition 1995.
Taking more than 400 milligrams of calcium at a time is not a good idea, because our absorption mechanism seems to get overloaded at around that level. You should get about 200 milligrams of magnesium as well, because lots of calcium can deplete magnesium. So please ensure you use a calcium magnesium supplement with a ration of 2:1
And remember that calcium requires vitamin D for absorption; so be sure to get 80 IU of this vitamin per day. You also require 7 micrograms manganese and 6 micrograms boron to bring the calcium from your blood stream into your bone to build up your bone bank.
The Enrich Calcium-Magnesium Complex. is the best way, to not only to get all your minerals, but also to absorb them and fully utilise them to strengthen your bones. These minerals at the same time help your muscles relax after a stressful and tiring day. (ref: Physiology Journal)
Magnesium helps to relax the heart muscles too and is needed to stabilise blood pressure, reduce heart enlargement and balance cholesterol. (ref: American Heart Journal).
Some people have reported that after using the Calcium Magnesium Complex for 8 weeks, their migranes stopped, muscle cramps lessen and blood pressure normalises.
Others know that the skeletal structure needs lots of calcium, and because they want tall children, they give them this Calcium Magnesium Complex as recommended.
Go do a bone density test and try it for 8 weeks and you can judge the results yourself.
Labels: absorption, allergies, bone spurs, boron, calcium, chelate, lactation, magnesium, manganese, menopause, osteoporosis, pregnancy, RDA, RDI, stones, vit d

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Improve your kids brain power

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Your Mom is right - eat more Fruits & Vegetables
Your Mom is Right. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables!
In order to consume enough fruits and vegetables necessary for optimal health you need help—you need Daily Produce 24.
"Eat your fruits and vegetables" is one of the tried and true recommendations for a healthy diet. And for good reason.
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help you ward off heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent some types of cancer, avoid a painful intestinal ailment called diverticulitis, and guard against cataract and macular degeneration, two common causes of vision loss.
So what does "plenty" mean? More than most of us consume. Over the past 30 years or so, researchers have developed a solid base of science to back up what generations of mothers preached.
If you don't count potatoes (which should be considered a starch rather than a vegetable) the average American gets a total of just three servings of fruits and vegetables a day. The latest dietary guidelines call for five to thirteen servings of fruits and vegetables a day, depending on one's caloric intake. For a person who needs 2,000 calories a day to maintain weight and health, this translates into nine servings, or 4 cups per day.
Not only is that more than we usually eat in a day, it also expects that what we eat is fresh—not supermarket fresh (which translates into “not rotten”)—but freshly picked, a luxury most of us don’t have.
Today, fruits and vegetables are grown all over the world, picked weeks before they’re actually ripe, and transported to the U.S. This process leaves the produce missing many of vitamins and mineral totals that freshly picked and ripe produce possesses.
In other words, the produce we buy in the supermarket is often phytonutrient poor.
What’s a Phytonutrient?
Despite its high-tech ring, “phytonutrient” (from the Greek phyton for “plant”) simply means a "nutrient from a plant." The best known phytonutrients are carotenoids, flavonoids, and isoflavones.
Carotenoids include yellow, orange, and red pigment in fruits and vegetables. Dark, green, leafy vegetables are rich in the carotenoid, beta carotene, but the usual yellow color is masked by the chlorophyll, the green pigment in the vegetables.
Flavonoids are reddish pigments, found in red grape skins and citrus fruits, and isoflavones can be found in peanuts, lentils, soy, and other legumes.
Phytonutrients Protect the Body and Fight Disease
Have you ever wondered how plants stay so healthy? They don't wear sunscreen or a raincoat, and they don't go to the doctor. The fact is, they make their own disease-fighting chemicals we call phytonutrients. The same phytonutrients that help keep the plant healthy keep our bodies healthy.
Phytonutrients provide medicine for cell health. They help the cells repair themselves by stimulating the release of protective enzymes or those that rebuild damaged cells. Other phytonutrients inhibit cancer-producing substances, reducing their ability to damage cells. When the repair squad can stay ahead of the damage, degenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis, can't get started. Phytonutrients also keep cancer and cardiovascular disease in check.
Phytonutrients Fight Cancer
Cancer starts with a cell out of control. As cells wear out or get injured, they replace themselves with new and healthy cells. Within each cell a network of inner controls (the DNA) keeps this process in check. But with this cellular cloning happening millions of times a minute, there are many opportunities for an occasional cell to defy the rules and get out of control. It may go on reproducing itself, eventually damaging the organ of which it is a part.
The out-of-control cancer cells also try to infiltrate other organs by entering the body's blood vessels and traveling to places near and far, a devilish process called metastasis.
Some cancer cells are probably formed in every person every day. Yet the body's own defense system recognizes these invaders and attacks. Almost always, the body wins the battle, so that these cancer cells either never have a chance to develop, or they are destroyed before they have a chance to spread or cause damage. Occasionally, the body's defenses aren't strong or effective enough to overcome these rebellious cells, and the person "gets cancer."
Phytonutrients fight on the side of the body. Carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) can enter the body from all kinds of sources: tobacco smoke, pollution, pesticides, or just plain bad luck. Carcinogens attempt to enter cells and change how they develop. But antioxidant phytonutrients nab the carcinogens before they have a chance to cause cancer in the cell. If the carcinogen manages to infiltrate the internal controls of the cell, other kinds of phytonutrients help to shut down the precancerous cell so it does not multiply into a gang and overrun the neighborhood. This phyto-protective mechanism explains why cultures whose diets are rich in plant foods have the lowest rates of cancer. The Mediterranean diet, for example, emphasizes garlic, tomatoes, onions, fruits, whole grains, and olive oil—all of which contain cancer-fighting phytonutrients.
Even though there are anticancer phytonutrients in all plant foods, those found in fruits and vegetables seem to be the most powerful. It's not only what fruits and vegetables contain that make them effective cancer-fighters, but it's also what they don't contain—saturated fats and chemical pollutants frequently found in animal foods.
Phytonutrients Fight Cardiovascular Disease
The largest and longest study to date, done as part of the Harvard-based Nurses' Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study, included almost 110,000 men and women whose health and dietary habits were followed for 14 years.
It was found that the higher the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables, the lower the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Compared with those in the lowest category of fruit and vegetable intake (less than 1.5 servings a day), those who averaged eight or more servings a day were 30 percent less likely to have had a heart attack or stroke!
Although all fruits and vegetables likely contribute to this benefit, green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, and mustard greens; cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and kale; and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit (and their juices) make important contributions.
Increasing fruit and vegetable intake by as little as one serving per day can have a real impact on heart disease risk. In the two Harvard studies, for every extra serving of fruits and vegetables that participants added to their diets, their risk of heart disease dropped by 4 percent.
Phytonutrients Boost Immunity
Phytonutrients, such as carotenoids and flavonoids, mobilize the body's immune cells, called natural killer cells and helper-T cells. These act like a protective armor to keep invading pollutants and germs from entering the cell.
One of the most important roles of phytonutrients is acting as antioxidants. Here's why your body needs antioxidants.
When the cells in your body burn fuel for energy they burn oxygen as well. When oxygen is burned, molecules called free radicals are released. Free radicals are like vandals loose in your body. They have at least one extra electron, giving them a negative charge, which drives them around the body looking for cells with which they can react. These reactions damage the DNA and other substances in cells. Much of the time the cells can repair themselves, but the cell neighborhood can't protect itself from these gangs of free radicals all by itself.
Phytonutrients are known for their powerful antioxidant, anticancer, and heart disease protective properties. Antioxidant molecules have a positive charge, so when they meet up with the negatively-charged free radicals they neutralize them—handcuff them so they can't do any damage.
Your body needs more phytonutrients as you get older, since the body's ability to repair itself diminishes with age. Antioxidants also help to prevent damage by carcinogens, such as ultraviolet radiation, tobacco smoke, and environmental pollutants.
So are you getting your Phytonutrients?
1. Prior, Ronald. Bioavialability of Phytochemicals from Fruits and Vegetables, USDA, ARS, Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, 2007.
2. Young, J.C., L. Kruskall, J. Dolgan, and R. Hesslink FASEB Journal 18 (5)z; 825.10,2004.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Blessed Easter to all Christian Friends
Make this joyous occasion, a wake up call to do something really big
with your life, and make a break through in your spiritual and social
relationships, in your career and in your Unicity Business too!.
The promise of the reward is real, only if you make the sacrifice today.
And the bigger the sacrifice, the bigger is the reward. All of us are unique,
as we are the only animals who fail consistently to perform at our best.
The sad truth is, we simply make the wrong choices and give up too easily.
We know what must be done, to realise our full potential, so make a
decision to do the simple disciplines, until we fulfill our promise to
ourselves, to BE the very best, to DO all that it takes until we HAVE
realised our true potential.
The price for success must be paid in full and you either Pay the price today,
so that you can play later, or play today and pay the price in your golden years.
The price is certainly smaller and less painful today, compared to later.
Monday, April 02, 2007
My Uncle had a fatal heart attack yesterday
My closest uncle at 69, had a fatal heart attack yesterday.
It wasn't his first one, but it was certainly his last. My Jakarta
trip planned April 3-5 is cancelled for the funeral tomorrow.
While he enjoyed a fulfilling life, his final year, was when he
had to give up all the pleasures, that he used to enjoy so much.
There is always sadness, but there cannot be life, if there is no death.
I am glad that we had so much fun times together. His cycle is
complete and I just wished he had listened to me and used his
BiosLife - who knows, he could have extended his life for another
15 years and continue to enjoy the things he loved so much.
Heart attack is a circulation problem and can be prevented, by
raising your HDL, to clean our the deposits in your arteries. Do
your cholesterol test today, because you too can add 15 years
and still enjoy the greatest gift we have - making life better for others.