Saturday, October 15, 2005

Unicity means Unity & Simplicity

Unicity means Unity & Simplicity. And simplicity equals
Momentum. Momentum is when you have growth in your
volumes, with more people joining, compared to the number
dropping out.

Statistics indicate that to have growth, you need to sponsor a
mimimum of 3 people monthly, as 2 people will drop off every
month. Set this target for yourself, to share our simple 5 step
Philosophy to Optimal Health, with someone new every week.

1. Hydrate your body - drink 2 glasses more of pure water
2. Walk at least 20 mins every day
3. Cleanse your body to remove toxins and free radicals
4. Nourish your body to provide the nutrients you need daily
5. Target your body if you have a specific health challenge.

For more details, please go to

Watch this space. for more exciting news about China very soon!

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