Sunday, August 28, 2005

Happy Merdeka - what Independence means

Our Singapore and Indonesian friends have already celebrated
their Independance days over the last 2 weeks. And soon it will
be time for Malaysians to celebrate Merdeka - meaning

I guess it is a big deal to be independant...60 years in
Indonesia, 40 years in Singapore and 48 years in Malaysia.
Independance is important, as each soverign nation can
make their own choices to have peace & stability and to
enhance the lifestyles of their citizens.

But most of our family and friends will however remain
dependant on their bosses their entire lives, for their job,
salary increments, holidays, and career advancements.
Sad but true.

With Unicity, we can offer others health and the freedom to
truly realise their true potential and consequently give hope
to the hopeless. What a deal!.

Celebrate your independance to BE all that you can BE,
DO all that you can DO, and HAVE all that you can HAVE.
After all, you have your independance and you can make
that choice today!....Merdeka!

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