Thursday, September 06, 2012

Gout and Uric Acid - natural solutions to reverse your pain

What Are the 4 Stages of Gout?

Asymptomatic (without symptoms) hyperuricemia. In this stage, a person has elevated levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia), but no other symptoms. Treatment is usually not required.

Acute gout, or acute gouty arthritis. In this stage, hyperuricemia has caused the deposit of uric acid crystals in joint spaces. This leads to a sudden onset of intense pain and swelling in the joints, which also may be warm and very tender. An acute attack commonly occurs at night and can be triggered by stressful events, alcohol or drugs, or the presence of another illness. Attacks usually subside within 3 to 10 days, even without treatment, and the next attack may not occur for months or even years. Over time, however, attacks can last longer and occur more frequently.

Interval or intercritical gout. This is the period between acute attacks. In this stage, a person does not have any symptoms.

Chronic tophaceous gout. This is the most disabling stage of gout. It usually develops over a long period, such as 10 years. In this stage, the disease may have caused permanent damage to the affected joints and sometimes to the kidneys. With proper treatment, most people with gout do not progress to this advanced stage
If you are looking for a safe, natural solution to your high uric acid or gout, Unicity International USA has 4 unique products that can help prevent, arrest and even reverse your pain and discomfort from gout.

Soy Protein, Chlorophyll powder, Native Legend Tea and Bioslife C has already helped many people in 30+ countries. Is it time to take charge of your health and enjoy a pain-free life?

In Malaysia, call Kraal at 012-2837979 or in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, India or Thailand, email me at

Perbaiki kesehatan Anda bersama produk kami. Dan bebaskan diri Anda dari Gout sehingga tidak ada lagi kesakitan-kesakitan luar biasa dan harus mengkonsumsi obat-obatan yang mungkin lebih membahayakan lagi bagi Ginjal Anda.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Bioslife E Smart Energy a must for students

Bioslife E is not a drug.. our bodies get tired after working, sports or just living the day and we just need an all natural plant based Bioslife E Smart Energy drink. So what's in Bioslife E that can give us so much energy and mental focus? - Chi-Oka Match Green Tea - the highest grade organic green tea from Japan.

It's proven - Bioslife E Smart Energy can give you more stamina and higher concentration levels, especially for students who want to stay mentally awake and remember what they learn to recall easily later. 

Suitable for students aged 15 and above now preparing for their exams, office workers, sales staff, drivers, CEO's and higher level management who want to stay awake, mentally alert and be able to present confidently and not forgetting athletes, dancers, gym goers, or long-distance drivers who want to perform at their best.

If fact, if you lack energy, always have headaches or even migraine pains, Bioslife E Smart Energy Drink can help you instantly. 

To order your box of Bioslife E Smart Energy Drink in Malaysia, call Kraal at 012-2837979 or for Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Philippines, do email me at

Ini bukan DOPING loooh .. saat tubuh kelelahan setelah bekerja - olah raga - melakukan kegiatan dengan konsentrasi tinggi maka kita butuh MINUMAN SMART ENERGI yang terdiri dari bahan alami .. mau tau komposisi utamanya? TEH MACHA dan beberapa buah-buahan serta vitamin yang didapat dari bahan alami.

Terbukti BIOS SMART E memberikan dorongan stamina serta konsentrasi tinggi.

Para MAHASISWA yang ...menghadapi ujian perlu konsentrasi tinggi, para PEKERJA dan para EKSEKUTIF yang membutuhkan fokus dan konsentrasi tinggi, OLAH RAGAWAN yang membuthkan energi dan fokus tinggi .. juga setiap orang yang BERMASALAH DENGAN KELELAHAN - Bios Life Smart Drink E membuat badan kembali bugar dan konsentrasi serta fokus menjadi lebih tinggi.