If you suffer from Bloating, gas, heartburn, gastric, constipation, piles, irritable bowel syndrome, sinus, bodyaches, headaches, colon or skin inflamation, its time to do a internal body cleanse and detox.
If you can do a colon cleanse once every 6 months, you can certainly improve your absorption of nutrients, speed up bowel elimination, improve blood circulation, reduce body toxicity and regulate blood sugar and dangerous LDL and VLDL cholesterol levels.
The best and safest way to cleanse your colon is to use the 30-day Clearstart30 pack from Unicity International, USA. Clearstart30 contains
a) 1 box 30 sachets Natures Tea (9 different herbs) worth RM77
b) 1 bottle 120 capsules Paraway Plus (14 different herbs) worth RM 117
c) 1 bottle 454gm LiFibre (29 different fibres) worth RM127
Sold separately at RM 321, this set together with a clearstart30 booklet and shaker cup is sold at just RM 277
While cleansing your colon, you may also want to cleanse your
a) Lymphatic system using a box of 30 sachets Native Legend Tea at RM 97
b) Liver using a bottle of 100 capsules Red Clover Plus at RM 77
c) Blood using a bottle 92gm Chlorophyll powder at RM 67
Cleansing and detoxifying the body will help everyone feel better, look better and live better too.
Invest in your body and that of your loved ones today, before illness and disease strikes.
Email slimyourbelly@gmail.com or call me at 012-2837979 to make your life better today.