Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ebay listings of Unicity Products removed

I've just received instructions that all Unicity products, cannot be sold on auction sites like eBay.

Some people are jealous that there are internet savy associates, who have been effectively using the internet as a channel of distribution, to promote and sell Unicity products.

Oh well, sometimes life isn't fair, but until the rules are changed, I just have to accept this setback and probably focus on building websites like and to promote my blue ocean products online.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

1,000 cases of HFMD in Singapore this week

Since 3 weeks ago, over 2,600 cases of Hand Foot & Mouth Disease has been reported in Singapore, with 1,000 cases reported this week!.

HFMD is caused by intestinal viruses, the more common strains being Coxsackie virus and Enterovirus 71 (EV71). Those at risk are those mainly below 5 years, but adults are at risk too.

So far, no deaths have been reported, but 7 Singaporean children died from HFMD in 2000.

Here are some options you can take, to prevent it from happening to your loved ones.

a) Practise greater hygiene
b) Stay away from crowded places
c) Boost up the immune system of those at risk

There are basically 3 ways to boost up your children's immune systems, so that your body can overcome all viruses.

a) Anti-oxidant Vitamins A, C & E
b) Anti-oxidant Minerals Zinc & Selenium
c) Super Anti-oxidants like Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), pine tree bark, grape seed extract, bioflavonoids, milk thistle, rutin & Quercetin.

Where can you find these anti-oxidants?

Bio-C chewables - 4 different forms of Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids
Superchlorophyll powder - contains all the minerals you need
Daily Produce24 capsules - super anti-oxidants from 24 colourful fruits and vegetables
Immunizen capsules - immunoglobins
Native Legend Tea drink - lymphatic cleanser and white blood cell booster
LifePath chewies - contains grape seed extract, bioflavonoids, enridole 3-C, bee pollen, ginkgo biloba, bilberry, milk thistle, rutin & quercetin.

Click the blue links to read more and do contact me if you wish to invest in your children's vibrant health.

If you would like to protect your kids today, don't delay, as nothing is worst, than the stress and anxiety of having your loved ones being sick and stuck in hospital.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Game over for Singaporean using Power 1 Walnut sex drug

Read in the NST April 9th about a Singaporean who died after taking an illegal sex drug Power 1 Walnut.

Searching the Star online, I found this article worth sharing -

Don't people learn - drugs kill slowly but illegal drugs kill faster!

If guys really want to improve their performance, power and energy, they should look for safer alternatives like LoveRx and Perform. These are just 2 of my fast selling products from Unicity Int'l USA.

Will it work for you?. Well 82% of the men says it works really well for them, so it could work for you too. If not, its ok, at least it wont kill you or cause you a stroke, heart attack or some permanent brain or vital organ failure or cause your privates to become hopeless and fall off !.

Visit my eBay store if you want to regain your power and energy.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Colon Bowel Cleansing & Premature Aging

What do Hollywood stars, glamorous models, and weight loss wannabe's have in common?

They do a twice yearly Cleansing and Detox of their bodies, focussing on parasites, bowels, colon, kidney, blood and liver. Their good outward appearance, can only come about, from being clean inside.


Colon cleansing can provide relief from maladies such as colds & flu, constipation, diarrhea, breath and body odors, fatigue, headaches, sinusitis, allergies, hemorrhoids, weight problems, digestive difficulties, back and muscle aches, knee pain, poor eyesight, poor memory, stress, and the list goes on and on.

We cannot expect to have sharp minds or vitality for living, when our bodies are polluted. People report greater alertness, a lightness of being, mental clarity, overwhelming joy, incredible insight, and even better sex, after cleansing and detoxing the body.

Do you look and feel older than you are?

Do you know that colon cleansing (also known as colonic, high enema, and colenema) improves skin and muscle tone, and reduces signs of aging? Is your waistline getting bigger every year no matter how much you exercise? Are you tired of being overweight? Are your joints stiff, weak or painful? Do you suffer from arthritis?

Colon cleansing can relieve aches and pains and their causes! Is your pleasure for living gone? Eliminate moodiness and fatigue and start enjoying increased energy! Colon cleansing promotes optimum food absorption and improved peristaltic action by removing old mucoid accumulation and toxins.

Colon cleansing is an easier and cheaper alternative to hydrotherapy that flushes the colon with a warm water or coffee solution. Colon cleansing is preventative healthcare, there is no better place to begin to rid your body of toxins and contamination that may cause cancer, colitis, digestive disorders, fatigue, obesity, and so much more.

Difficulties controlling weight may be due to the excess garbage piled up in the colon. Did you know you can actually lose weight by removing the toxic build-up from your colon? Did you know the average weight loss after a single colon cleansing treatment is 1 - 5 kg?


All sick people have bowel trouble, whether they know it or not. Without getting the bowel back to proper functioning, all other therapies, treatments, supplements or other aids, fall far short of their potential good.

Proper bowel function is an essential precondition for staying healthy, and if ill, to overcome sickness and disease. Bad bacteria are flushed out to start building a healthy inner environment.

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, famous surgeon and the father of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, believed that the bowel could be the origin of most health problems, hence his creation of a bran cereal to aid in colon function. He maintained that 90% of disease is due to improper functioning of the colon.

After performing over 20,000 colon surgeries, Dr. Kellogg said he never did see a normal healthy American colon. Common sense tells us that if we retain the contents of our colon the result will be disfigurement and disease of the colon. Since newly formed cancer cells escape destruction by the immune system due to the effects of autointoxication, we are literally poisoning ourselves into illness, when we are constipated and the bowel evacuation is deficient.

Early indications of colon problems include: sallow skin, coated tongue, bad breath, offensive body odor, headaches, bloating, poor appetite, stiff joints (especially knees), lethargy, dizziness, muscle pain, moodiness and irritability, hemorrhoids, skin rash, hypertension, vision problems, palpitations and a feeling of stomach heaviness.

Most illnesses are caused by unhealthy colons. Colds, flu, cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and allergies are all examples of diseases caused by excessive amounts of poor-quality food combined with bad elimination. When you don't eliminate properly, food may stay in the colon for days, weeks, months, even years, putrefying and then poisoning your entire system. In most cases, seriousness of disease corresponds directly to the level of toxicity.


The colon is like a tube of circular muscle lined with a layer of moist mucous cells that lubricate the contents. The smooth folds of the colon are speckled with glands that resemble skin pores.

These glands extract the fluids and electrolytes from the passing food residue. This fluid - about a quart each day - is recycled and eventually filtered and excreted by the kidneys as urine.

Bowel movement is a bit slower process, it comes in large waves three or four times per day. Stimulated by the arrival of food to the stomach, the muscle bands of the colon move the contents along through each section. Once the stool moves out of the sigmoid colon into the rectum, the brain gets the signal that nature is calling, and so we go. But what if I can't go?

Everyone at one time or another experiences constipation. If you have chronic constipation or don't feel finished when you've finished the job, you need colon cleansing.

Common sense and science tell us that prolonged retention of feces and stale waste matter in the colon may, and often does, result in blockage of the passage within the colon, causing all kinds of disease. A plaster-like coating called mucoid plaque forms on the walls of the colon.

Most of us judge colon health by the frequency and type of bowel movements we experience. Many in the orthodox medical field of study believe that individual rates of peristaltic action differ widely.

A perfectly normal rate of bowel movement should be like a baby's movement. Imagine even on just milk, a baby can have a bowel movement more than 3 times daily. As adults, our body can only absorb 40% of what we eat and 60% must be passed out. So technically if we eat 3 meals daily, a regular bowel movement should be at least twice daily.


Colon health is a topic of lasting human interest and has been ever since. The reason people don't like to talk openly about colon cancer or even colon health, is probably because of the body parts involved--the rectum and the anus.

Statistics being what they are, the sooner we address the issue and start monitoring our own colons, the better. Colon cancer is killing people at an alarming rate. The ancient Egyptians knew that food was the source of all illness, and purged themselves regularly.

Today, over 90% of Americans are walking around with clogged colons (US Health Service). At the turn of the last century, diverticulitis was unheard of. The cliche "you are what you eat" is unconditionally true and all the more reason to cleanse and detox the body.

Dr. Bernard Jensen defined autointoxication as "the poisoning of the body, or some part of the body, by toxic matter generated therein." Autointoxication is self-poisoning, or slow suicide.

Through detoxification, proper nutrition, and administration of supplements, the body can heal itself and maintain optimum health function and premature diseases of aging.

According to Dr. Norman Walker, author of Colon Health, "The very best of diets can be no better than the very worst, if the sewage system of the colon is clogged with a collection of waste and corruption." And, ". . . constipation is derived from the Latin word "constipatus," which translated means "to press or crowd together, to pack, to cram."

Dr. Walker also said, "There are two crimes against Nature that civilization indulges,
1) constipation, and 2) eating devitalized and refined foods."

Unlike the small intestine with all its loops and folds, the large intestine (the colon), is a relatively simple structure. It begins on the right side of the body (approximately near the appendix), and continues up the right side of the abdomen; that's the ascending colon. Then, it makes a left hand turn at the liver and travels across the body over the stomach; that's the transverse colon; and makes another turn at the spleen descending on the left side; which is the descending colon. In one final loop (at the sigmoid colon), it all ends at the rectum.

To invest in a Colon Bowel Cleansing and Detox kit for yourself and your loved ones, visit my eBay store. Yes you can Add years to your Life and Life to your Years!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Lupus - Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE )

Over the last 7 days, I've had 2 enquiries about if I have any natural solution for Lupus. So here's some information, extracted from the Bluepints for Healthy Living by Dr Gordon Pedersen and story 3 called "Hope' from the Chicken Soup for the Enriching Soul - by Mark Victor Hansen.

Lupus affects almost 2 million people. 98% women mostly between the ages of 18 and 45. Do note that Lupus can kill and every effort must be taken to be aware of the symptoms.


Lupus begins with joint pain and swelling. Because of this, many lupus patients are misdiagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. As the disease progresses, any or all of the following symptoms can develop: fatigue, mouth sores, diarrhoea, low grade fever, malaise, enlarged lymph nodes,
chills, weight loss, abdominal pain, anorexia, anaemia, bone aches, depression, psychosis, amnesia and seizures.


Lupus is an auto-immune disease. That means that the body's immune system is attacking itself. The causes can be:

Viruses, streptococcal bacteria, a genetic predisposition, stress, high blood pressure medication ( hydralazine or procainamide), pollution, hydrochloric acid deficiency, faulty genes, food additives, free radical damage, vaccines and undigested proteins in the blood stream.

Complementary therapies

Since lupus affects all the body systems, it requires a broad range of products that will cleanse the body of toxins, build the immune system, scavenge free radicals, build muscle and normalize nerve function.

Body systems that are affected.

All of the body systems are affected, but the immune system requires special supplemental help

What can you expect.

You can expect a long battle with lupus with many people eventually becoming totally symptom free. They do it with a slow program of events that requires supplements, sleeping, eating, exercise and avoiding any toxic accumulation, including caffeine, soft drinks and red meat.

You should begin feeling better in the first week, but slow improvement will come over the course of 3 to 12 months.

Cleansing & Detoxifying - the first step to healthy living

Cleanse with Nature's Tea and Super Chlorophyll in order to detoxify and restore proper nutritional absorption. A herbal formula which contains wormwood, black walnut hulls as found in Paraway Plus is beneficial if you suspect a parasite infection.

Prevention & Maintenance

DailyProduce24 24 fruit and vegetable antioxidants helps to bring down high levels of estrogen in the body
PhytoPath combats free radicals that cause lupus
Native Legend Tea helps increase toxin excretion and boost the lymphatic system to strengthen cell walls.
BoneMate helps with pH balance and promotes strong pain-free bones and Muscles

Additional Support

Bee Pollen helps combat the damaging effects of stress and promotes proper nerve cell function
Salmon Omega 3 oil provides the essential elements for healthy nerve function and has anti-inflammatory effects
Core Health promotes healthy body function
Enjuvenate promotes healthy strong muscles and organs
Bio-C helps reduce infections and aids in tissue repair

Acidophilus promotes friendly bacteria and inhibits harmful bacteria in the digestive system which results in fewer toxins produced and absorbed

Please ensure you monitor the patient carefully. Do remember that all dosages should start with half or a third of the recommended daily dosage, until the patient is comfortable, and only then increase gradually till full dosages are taken.

Visit my eBay store if you wish to invest in your recovery from Lupus and be pain free.