Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Biggest Problem 95% of the people will face

Latest Statistics from National Centre for Health Statistics, Centres for Disease Control - 2004 statistics for USA.

Leading causes of death

1. Heart disease/Stroke : 804,239
2. Cancer: 550,270
3. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 123,884
4. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 108,694
5. Diabetes: 72,815
6. Alzheimer's disease: 65,829
7. Influenza/Pneumonia: 61,472

World Health Organisation latest statistics found at

Fact sheet N°310 - March 2007
The leading causes of death by income group

High Income Countries...........................Death in millions % of deaths

Cardiovascular Heart Disease /Stroke.................. 2.41...... 30.8
Cancers - lung, colon, rectum, breast, stomach.....1.01........12.8
Lower Respiratory Infections...............................0.34........4.3

Middle Income Countries

Cardiovascular Heart Disease/Stroke...................7.90.........38.2
Cancer - Stomach, Lung.......................................1.15..........5.5
Lower Respiratory Infections...............................0.69.........3.3

Low Income Countries

Cardiovascular Heart Disease/Stroke..................5.70.........19.9
Lower Respiratory Infections...............................2.86........10.0
Perinatal conditions............................................1.83.........6.4

Read my blog to learn why 95% WILL have a circulatory problem, as they age. Heart disease and stroke WILL kill 1 in 3 Americans & Asians too.

We have the best pipe cleaner - BiosLife - to clean out the plaque in your arteries, manage healthy cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

So remember, drink your BiosLife daily, because you don't want to have a heart
attack or stroke, that will cut your life in half.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Free SMS to any mobile phone globally

I am using this website to send FREE sms to any
mobile phone in the world. Go
register and sms me!. PS- remember to end your
message with your name as your mobile no.
does not display!.

If you phone supports Java, then you can also use
your mobile phone to send free sms, using the free
software from mobik.

Try it and if it saves you money, and you want to
appreciate me, then you can use paypal credit or
visa / mastercard to buy me:-

- a coffee US$2 -

- a glass of Dom Perignon US$20 -

- a bottle of Blue Label Johnnie Walker US$ 200

I truly appreciate your drink, and I will toast to
your good health and success!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Can blogging earn you money?

I know Blogging was made for networkers to share
their products and business via stories. Today, even
corporate companies are using Blogging as part of
their marketing channels. If you have yet to know
the power of Blogging, let me share wtih you more.

I first started using Blogs in 2005 as a storage archive

for my weekly email messages. My first blog was in 2006
upgraded, to include links to Unicity, the Network
Marketing industry, photo slideshows and bioslife.

This also was a reference point for new Business
Associates who join the business at different times,
and may miss out on important product & business

In April 2005, I then started a fun blog sharing

jokes & other my life at

March 7, 2007, I started a new blog sharing

Internet Marketing links at Please visit and see
how my blog is being used to generate multiple
sources of income, selling ebooks and Unicity
products online in ebay and auction sites.

Yesterday, March 10, 2007, I visited Eugene &

Rebecca's Bioslife blog at and decided to
start a BiosLife blog at Do visit my
blog and see what can be done in just 2 days.

If this inspires you to begin your Blogging

adventure to build a passive income stream,
then visit my blog on how to start:-

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Will you benefit from the BiosLife Boom?

Most people do not know they have high LDL cholesterol or
low HDL cholesterol. And that's the reason Heart Attacks
& strokes are called the silent killer, for the first symptom
is usually death or worst yet, paralysis..

If you Male or Female, aged above30, live in a city, eat a
western style diet and work in an office, you probably have
high bad LDL cholesterol & low good HDL cholesterol. If you
have high HDL, your doctor will prescribe you statin drugs.

To know the future, we need to look at the past.
In 2006, statin drugs sold US$ 25,000,000,000 and for
2007 sales is projected to be US$ 30,000,000,000,

If you want to start a business, choose a market that
already has ready consumers with limited choices.
Bioslife, is the only safe, patented and clinically
proven alternative to statin drugs, but without all
the dangerous side effects.

Bioslife is as good as the top best selling statin drugs
that will sell US$30,000,000,000 this year, but with an
extra benefit - Bioslife can raise your good HDL!.

The Bioslife Franchise is a low risk, high return
business, that will generate a monthly income for you
and your future generations, if only you start today!.
This Franchise business will certainly be Booming!

Are you waiting for it to happen, before you decide to start?
Or will you be wondering what happened, after it does?
Or will you be making it happen, sharing Bioslife,
buildling your customer base and Franchise network.

Someone close to you with high cholesterol, is looking
for an alternative and is waiting for you to call.

Make the call today, to share Bioslife with them!
Some will, Some won't, So what, Someone else is waiting